Saturday, February 2, 2008


Today at lunch I used the word succubus when refering to female narcissists. This is not I word I generally use but it seemed appropriate. To be certain, I decided to look up the meaning as well as the spelling, because I was taught never to use a word you can't spell. What I found surprised me. I understood the meaning loosely. I believed it meant a person who sucks the life out of you. While this is partially true, it is not entirely accurate. A succubus means different things to different people. One thing all definitions have in common is that it is a demon in female form. Some believe it has sex with men while they are sleeping and in doing so sucks the life right out of them. Others believe the demon lures unfaithful men to have sex. During the act, the razor blades in the succubus's vagina cut the man who is subsequently devoured alive while writhing in pain.

I will choose my words more carefully next time.

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