Friday, October 17, 2008


This link is really funny.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Definition of an Asshat

I have a friend who uses the term Asshat frequently. I assumed it meant some sort of jerk. Over the last two days I have had to deal with two people I would consider labeling as such. To be sure I was on the right track, I looked up the definition.

According to the flickr website, Asshat is defined as:

"An Asshat is anyone who's got their head planted firmly up their ass, i.e. wearing their ass as a hat.

Asshats are inconsiderate, rude, or just plain mean. Anyone who's actions are taken with no regard, or a disregard for others, is an Asshat. Asshats, while often stupid, are not considered so for being stupid, but for their actions.

Common signs of an Asshat are, but not limited to, driving erratically, driving slow in the left lane, cutting people off, cutting in line, leaving trash around, not cleaning up after themselves, abusing privileges, and in general pissing people off for no good reason.

An Asshat is not necessarily someone who is stupid, can't spell, or is incompetent, although that doesn't rule them out of the group if their actions indicate otherwise."

flickr has a site dedicated to ridiculing the asshats of the world. If you are so inclined to participate or just view their musings, click here.

Monday, October 13, 2008