Thursday, November 22, 2007

A day well spent

We have hosted Thanksgiving every year since we moved into this house. Last night, we cooked two turkey breasts and the stuffing. Today all we had to do is reheat them, cook the veggies in the those new Ziplock steam bags, cook the rolls, and set up. My brother-in-law arrived just in time with the potatoes and to make the gravy. I was raised to use the juices only but David's side likes it thick and brown. Since I haven't a clue how to make that happen, Keith stepped in where my mother-in-law would normally be. We told everyone to be there at 1pm. We were only off schedule by a few minutes as we were waiting for one more person. The food was so good I had three helpings. I really love turkey. I really love brownies too. I had two. Thankfully, there were plenty of takers so I didn't end up eating more than that. Our youngest niece was absent as she had a bad case of the flu. Our sister-in-law stayed home with her. They were missed. Jason convinced several of us to play airhockey. He beat us all except one game with Danni. David's dad brought family papers for us to see that his father wrote tracing their family tree from the time they came over from England to America in 1629 to the mid-1800's. Very interstering stuff. There is more information that has been accumulated over the years that we have yet to see. The conversations varied as we moved from room to room. Watched part of the ND game rerun hoping to see us in the background. The camera always stopped before panning over to us, darn it. Everyone is gone now. We cleaned as we went so it didn't take long to get everything back to normal. I studied for a test for awhile but now we are watching the USC vs. Arizona game. I am rooting for USC. I like Pete.

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