Thursday, April 24, 2008

what I have learned in the last two weeks and then some...

I picked up my cap and gown last week. I did not expect to be as excited as I am about the event. The day after graduation, the nursing program has a pinning ceremony. Each student can have two people participate; I chose my boys of course. What's nice about the pinning is that you can invite as many people as you want unlike the 6 allowed for grad (3 if there is severe weather).

In anticipation of this life altering event, I cut my hair. Yep, four full inches. I resisted the urge to cut any more and hope that next week I will not be in tears over the loss (as in the past). As of now, I like it just fine. Perhaps I have yet to learn that lesson.

Things I have learned lately...

1. Adults at children's sporting events are less adult than the children they are there to support.

2. Lean Cuisine meals are tasty. I am addicted to the 30% more version of the turkey dinner with green beans and cranberries (never thought to put those two together). I actually eat the veggies first which is a big deal considering how much I love turkey.

3. The only incentive Big Kitty has to jump on the couch comes from the kitty cat stairs we bought her. She does not use them mind you, but ever since we bought them, she has been jumping up on the couch on her own; This she hasn't done in months, hence the stairs.

4. Dental floss, breath mints, hand cream, and nail clippers should be kept in the car at all times.

5. Life isn't as complicated as I think it is.

6. We all need a safe place where no one will judge us.

7. Ho Ho's tasted better wrapped in foil. This isn't new but I just ate them so it is fresh on the brain.

8. Too many people value the appearance of being a good person rather than actually being a good person.

9. Aveeno Positively Ageless Rejuvenating Serum rocks!

10. Drew Barrymore is too skinny. To me she always had the perfect sexy hour-glass figure. I was surprised to see her lately. Somebody buy the girl a pizza.

That's all I know for now. Have a great weekend everyone!

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