Saturday, May 26, 2007

Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with knives?

We noticed that the notches of all our new serrated knives have been given a make over. "How can this be?", you ask. Well, it always goes back to the kids. Dev is responsible for loading and unloading the dishwasher. When questioned about the knives he said he had clinked them together once. David checked all the knives including the big one of the set to find them all the same. Apparently he has been playing music with them. While we are grateful he was not harmed because they are very sharp and he is as coordinated as I am, we were not happy. It never occurred to me he would do such a thing. Much like the time we were in a store three or four years ago and I saw him chewing something. I asked him what it was and he said a balloon. A BALLOON! First of all, we did not have a balloon with us. "Where did you get the balloon?", I asked. "I found it on the floor." They say I have a look, they call it the evil eye. Boy did it get evil that day. What would possess my child to pick up a deflated balloon off the floor and start chewing it? This was something that you think about with a small child not an adolescent. He knew not to put anything from the floor into his mouth. He knew that balloons do not belong in your mouth. Yet he did it anyway. It reminds me of the character Cheese from Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. In the Mac Daddy episode Cheese approaches Bloo and Mac with tin foil on his teeth. Cheese proudly announces,"Look I have braces."Mac says,"You got those off the ground didn't you?"Cheese replies,"Garabage can." Mac and Bloo simultaneously groan with hands to heads. Whoever wrote that has kids.

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