Saturday, May 5, 2007

Wax on...wax off

We took my car up to the dealership this morning to have the car rubbed out. When we bought the car we also purchased this plan that included car washes and extras through the dealership. The first time David took it up there for the car wash it came out with an inordinate amount of tiny scratches. We didn't notice right away, but as soon as we did he called them. After about a month of being given the runaround, he called Nate (the guy who sold us the car). Like that, we were in. Nate is a nice kid around my sister Laura's age. He reminds me of my friend Eric in the way he looks and talks. Nate is a really nice guy. He met us at the door with a handshake and a smile; not in the typical salemen kind of way, more like a friend. He is one of the best salesmen we have ever come across. He made sure our car was seen first thing. When we turned in our keys they found that we had been deleted from the computer completely. This frustrated the girl at the desk who appeared to take her job very seriously and didn't understand how others didn't share her work ethic. She reinputted our info and checked to make sure the part we were waiting on for the window had come in. It was so they are putting that in today as well.

On the way home we saw one police car pulling someone over...then another....and another.....I think the total was four within a mile of the contruction zone. Turns out there was one officer stratigically placed on the bridge over the freeway with radar letting the other officers know who was speeding. I thought the officer who used the radar had to be the one to pull you over and give the ticket. Clearly I was mistaken. They are a smart bunch. Most of the tickets come at the end of the month as they try to make their quotas. Looks like the city will have their money early this year. I wonder if that means people will be able to speed all they want come May 31st. Probably not.

We are hoping to be able to go out on the boat, but it looks like rain. So here I am just killing time.


Eric Durbin, RPh said...

This Nate must be a pretty cool dude.

monkeyhugs said...

As a matter of fact, that is something else he had in common with my friend Eric.