Monday, May 7, 2007

Monkey Sickness

I am beginning to think I should not be allowed to shop at Target. The monkeys were restless today. They chattered and danced until I could no longer ignore them. Yes, I bought more monkey things. I resisted the urge to buy the monkey doorway beads, decorative lights, cups, bowls, plates, mats, lightswitch covers, shower curtains, toothbrush holders, soap dishes, and once again, the monkey cookie jar. I settled for the monkey nightlight that I convinced myself we need for the hallway, a hand towel (you can never have enough hand towels), beach towel (no one will steal my beach towel now. HA!), and a monkey head bank for my desk.

Monkey sickness. Don't worry; It isn't contagious, but it is a little disturbing.

The boys have concluded there is something wrong with me. Jason reviewed the hand towel. I guess it looks better than it dries. Devin says he doesn't need a light to find his way to the bathroom at night. Then Jason chimed in again, "What's next mom...monkey cups, monkey chairs, monkey lamps...Next thing you know we will turn into monkeys. Oh..wait...I think I am already a monkey." He then began scratching his head and making monkey sounds.

And with that, we have come full circle.

Have a good day everyone.

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