Sunday, September 23, 2007

Did someone call the ambulance?!!!!

Today Jason got his first ride in an ambulance. During the fourth quarter Jason went down after trying to tackle the ball carrier. His body twisted and back hit the ground. He didn't get up. He didn't move. One coach goes on the field...then another...then another...then the doctor...then another coach...then David. Me, I have been told I am not to go on the field by my husband because I tend to go overract, so I sat for some time on the sideline waiting for a thumbs up. Friends gathered at my side as I waited for what seemed like an eternity. One of the fathers went over to find out what was happening. Still nothing. Then I saw one of them gesture to call the ambulance. Finally our friend Scott gave the thumbs up I had been waiting for but also added David said to get our things together. I then went onto the field. There was some confusion and the ambulance was not called so our coach called them himself. Because it was his back they made him stay still. He was able to move all extremities, pupils were equal/reactive, and was A&O x 3. They put him on the board and off to the hospital slowly we went. Hillcrest has a peds er where we saw lots of players from all over. I guess midget league keeps them super busy on Sundays. The paramedics were wonderful. Found out the one paramedic's son and father share Jason's birthday. His wife works at Hillcrest also. The nurse was very sweet and spoke to Jason in a soft voice. The doctor was friendly and quick. No x-rays were needed, only Motrin. As long as his is up to it he can go back to football tomorrow. I wish he would sit out tomorrows practice but David feels he should play. We both agree that if he is in any pain tomorrow he should go but not participate.

When we got home our neighbor called out about Jason. I know we live in a small town but that is just freaky. It had only been 30 minutes since he was taken off the field. She had run into one of the mothers from the opposing team at the grocery store. As we enter the house the phone was ringing. It was his coach calling to see how Jason was. Here he had gone to the er but we had already left.

I made a few phone calls and then we went to the buffet for dinner. I was both hungry and nausiated. It was weird. I forced myself to eat.

Jason is fine right now on the Motrin. We will see how he is when it wears off.

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