Thursday, March 29, 2007

Crime and Punishment

My grandfather was mugged not long ago. He has lived in the same neighborhood for 50 years and has walked the dog at the same time every night. I don't know whether the person who mugged him knew his schedule or if he just happened upon him. But I have to wonder if most criminals stalk first. It makes sense that they would. He probably knew my grandparents were an easy mark because of their ages and there wasn't someone checking in on them at night. The criminal held my grandfather at knife point and demanded they go into the house to get him money. He then told them he would be back in an hour for more. My grandparents didn't call the police, most likely because they didn't think he would come back, but he did. He then stated he would be back the next day for more and that is when they called the police. He was picked up not far from their home. Kudos to the Euclid Police Department.
My grandfather worked hard his entire life to have what he has and now that he is winding down at 86 years old (almost 87) he has to worry about unsavory characters lurking in a place he should feel safe. This unscrupulous individual, who stands for everything he is against, had the power to end his life. He was on probation so he should serve a decent amount of time. You would think that would put me at ease. It does not. I know that there will always be someone else to take his place.
We all live in a world where the majority of people are good. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

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