Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Babble on....

One thing that happens when I have to speak infront of people is I babble. The babbling is like a runaway train. You see it happening and yet there is nothing you can do to stop it.

I had to give two presentations this week. The first didn't go as well as I would have liked. I have presented twice before to the same class so there is no rational explanation for my reaction and yet I got so nervous I completely forgot what I was going to say. I read off the paper for the most part. One of my topics(Pain)included a number of medications that I had not planned on reading other than their classifications, but they were on the paper so I read them. Had I planned to do so I would have used phonetic spelling to prevent such embarrassment as I experienced trying to educate my fellow classmates.

The second was my clinical presentation on Ethics and Legal issues in long-term care. I was last. The instructor offered to allow me to hold off until tomorrow because there wasn't much time left, but I respectfully declined. Presentations make me crazy. I have barely slept in anticipation of the two this week. One more day would have left me even more exhausted and less focused. So I promised to do my speech in two minutes flat. I believe I succeeded because had I not, the group would have lynched me for making them stay late. The time constraint cut my babble time by 4/5ths. Maybe that was the key to my success.

I completed my procedure requirements today as well. I have a paper due tomorrow and med pass. We are done with lecture which leaves three days of clinicals and the final exam.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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