Monday, April 16, 2007

There is such a thing as a stupid question

I rarely watch the news. We were watching Blue's Clues when the Twin Towers fell. I might not have known for some time had my husband not called to tell me. I get most of my information from the internet, radio, my husband, and Foxnewslive. The difference for me is being able to learn about what I want to know verses what someone else wants me to know. Granted, I am still getting my information second hand, but at least I get to choose my sources.

When I walked in the door this afternoon, David immediately told me about the Virginia Tech shooting. I flipped on one of the cable news shows live to get a quick scoop. I love when they ask people who have been though a traumatic experience and who still don't know if their friends or loved ones are okay, "Are you scared?" or "How do you feel right now." Ethics people. Common sense tells you not to say it. I'm surprised they haven't been decked for asking ridiculously insensitive (obvious) questions.

For all you reporters out there: There is such a thing as a stupid question.

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