Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Jason has been collecting number one recyclable containers for school. The class that collects the most gets a prize. About 90% of the bag contained Pepsi two liters. I started drinking Pepsi when I lived in Missouri. On away tournaments for the debate team we used to hit Taco Bell a lot. They only served Pepsi and so I quickly became addicted. My family didn't have much money which meant we didn't have pop in the house much. I was allowed one 2 liter a week. I swear the only reason I got a job was to pay for Pepsi and gas.

I do not drink coffee. Pepsi is my coffee. I admit it is my biggest vice.

Coffee is much worse for you than Pepsi. I know you're thinking, "what about the 10 tsp of sugar in the Pepsi?". Well, I've seen how most people drink their coffee or coffee like substance and it is right up there with the sugar.

For years people told me you'll like coffee when you get older. I'm already middle aged and it hasn't happened yet.

1 comment:

Eric Durbin, RPh said...

I think that you made to need to go to a specialist to have your taste buds checked.

Coca-Cola is the superior product in all respects (taste, tooth enamel erosion, dissolving nails, cleaning toilets/windshields)